I have been tagged from Stacy at SLN Studios:)
6 Quirks about Kelly:
1) I am a serious perfectionist. Of course, I learned at the DJ seminar last week, that perfectionism is just a cover for procrastination…hmmm, he may be right!
2) I LOVE LOVE LOVE dessert. That may be why my business is named Pure Sugar, and everything is named after sweets.
3) I am a professional worrier (is that even a word), seriously, if you ask Mark, he will tell you I can worry about anything (and everything).
4) I have four wonderful children, Two step-sons (one who got a 40 yard touchdown in his game this weekend- Go Cameron!), and two daughters, one dog (yes, another Cameron), and a fish named Nemo (so original).
5) I am a reading Junkie- when I start a book, I cant put it down, so I dont allow myself to read very often (otherwise pictures would NEVER get edited).
6) I LOVE LOVE LOVE to sleep! Mark and I have the most AMAZING bed, more feathers and pillows then one can imagine! He says I could sleep for 24 hours straight…but I have a toddler who defies that!
So, now I have to tag 5 people….Andi, Edie, Katie P, Michelle S, and Stephanie.
1. Link the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them & leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they have been tagged.