This is “Miss. M”, I first photographed her at 3 months, and in the last 3 months, she has grown leaps and bounds! She was crawling at 5 months! This age always amazes me, they are so full of life, but so in awe of my camera! They all stare at it in utter amazement. This little one was a riot, she kept looking at her picture on the back of the camera! I had such a good time with her on Saturday {and mom and dad too!} Her poor mom worked so hard keeping her in place and making her smile, I swear, I need to make certificates for all you guys! If only your kids knew how hard you worked to make them smile, giggle and laugh. Of course, sometimes I think I should be taking pictures of what we parents have to do to make our kids smile! America’s funniest home videos, here I come!
Hope you guys enjoy your sneak peak!