Last week, oh wait, maybe its been two weeks…EEK! Wow! Where does time go? Anyways, I got together with one of my fantastic babe couture moms for her son’s, Mr. J’s, one year session. Since we are holding out for him to walk, we only did the cake session, and a few of him in his first birthday ensemble. At first, he was NOT interested in his cake, but then after one delicious bite, he decided that cake was pretty darn amazing! I am not sure if its just a boy thing, but all the boys in my studio seem to love cake…girls, not so much! See, they are already fretting over their physique! Too bad they dont know that at this age, its the only time where rolls and cellulite are concerned not only acceptable, but adorable! Ahh, just look below at how Mr. J enjoys his sweets! I want to get to eat my cake like that- pure bliss!
Happy Birthday Mr. J!!!